Governance & Structure


Overview of Trust Governance

Trusts exist to advance education for the public good.  

The government’s vision is for every school to be part of a family of schools in strong Trusts. The government recognises that the Trust model is very effective and goes much further in promoting shared practice than other collaborative structures, such as federations or alliances; and strong Trusts can swiftly direct resources to allow focus to remain on teaching and learning. The government also notes that Trusts, and Groups, have capacity to go further, supporting other education providers to share and implement the latest evidence-based practice, and to facilitate better professional development to improve teaching and standards for all.

Reference 1

“The governance duty is, above all, to drive relentless ambition for the young people served by our schools system, whatever the circumstances”. Baroness Berridge (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools). 

In Trusts, the purpose of governance is to provide:

strategic leadership

accountability and assurance

strategic engagement

The Trust Board has collective accountability and strategic responsibility for the Trust. The Trust Board is responsible for ensuring its schools and colleges deliver excellent education, and that the Trust has effective financial management and remains compliant with its charitable objects, funding agreements, and all regulatory, contractual and statutory requirements.

Reference 2

Operational Structure

Since the Trust was established, the Trust has operated with a common CEO, CFO and Clerk to its sponsor, WSC. This has progressed in the fullness of time, leading to an ever more efficient and agile Group. Group leads and their specialist teams now oversee central infrastructure functions, and teaching and learning staff across the Group regularly work together to share and implement the latest evidence-based practice to improve teaching and standards for all. We now operate as one Group institution with multiple sites. 

The Trust Board recognises the value of the Group and in June 2022 noted that “the strategic alliance and collaborative relationship has been integral to the success and development of the Trust (as reflected in the recent of Ofsted reports of the colleges within the Trust) and has enabled the Trust and West Suffolk College to establish and co-develop the Group as a highly successful integrated regional education group”. 

The Group operational structure can be found here

Governance Structure

Since the Trust was established, the governance structures of the Trust and WSC’s Board (Corporation) have been closely aligned to maximise the benefit the Trust receives from its sponsor (WSC) and to best support our strategic alliance.  

The Corporation and Trust Board have a similar governance structure and operate with common Chairs and Vice Chairs across the Boards and some Committees, and the consider common agendas and KPIs. The Corporation and Trust Board also operate several joint Committees populated by members from both the Corporation and Trust’s governance, and with a Group-wide remit: the Educational Excellence Committee and Resources Committee (as of November 2023), the Nominations and Governance Committee and Remuneration Committee (as of March 2024) and the SEND Educational Excellence Committee (as of September 2024). The joint Committees are advisory to the legally distinct Corporation and Trust Board. 

The Trust operates using the following governance structure: 

Governance Structure

Governance Meetings

The Trust’s schedule of meetings can be found here. The Board determines the membership of each Committee, based on the skillset required by the Committee and the skillsets held by the individual. Meetings are run as hybrid meetings (i.e. with the option for virtual or physical attendance). Papers are circulated in advance (7 days prior for Board and Committee meetings, and 14 days prior for Members meetings) by the Clerk. Papers and minutes are stored and available on GovernorHub

Twice a year (in January and May), everyone involved in governance at both the Trust and its sponsor (WSC) come together physically to discuss the strategy of the respective institutions and for the Group overall.

In addition to governance and strategy meetings, everyone involved in governance is expected to participate in induction meetings (when new in post) and training sessions (throughout their term of office) to keep up to date with the latest information, guidance and best practice. 

Useful Links

Glossary - National Governance Association (

How to guide - GovernorHub (